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Head Chef: Akács István

"I feel lucky to be able to present myself as a chef in one of the most progressive restaurants in the Hungarian countryside in the fine dining segment. When I visited Pajta as a guest, I was impressed by the richness of the landscape, its inherent possibilities, and the way Pajta's location, architectural and culinary character fit into it. I didn't even think about the invitation for a minute when Flóra and Feri approached me.

I think that a chef has a responsibility to convey a kind of moral conviction through gastronomy. My belief is that a restaurant kitchen should not be wasteful. I believe that the trademark of a chef is his own story, which he offers to guests on a plate expressed in flavors. In addition to respecting the gastronomic traditions of Őrség and the Pajta's own history and defining values, I also consider courage and a willingness to experiment to be an important spice. I want to offer guests an experience that can only be experienced in Pajta.”

Hosts: Flóra and Feri

We opened our restaurant slowly 10 years ago. Then We were beginners in the industry; we considered only one thing important to do something outstanding. Today we feel we have achieved our goal. We made many friends among our guests. We consider our colleagues almost family members. We source our ingredients in the region; we buy from local farmers. We have mapped the treasures of the surrounding forests and fields.

We love what we do!

Our cuisine is primarily based on the traditional dishes and ingredients of the Őrség, and adds the professional knowledge and technology of modern cutting-edge restaurants.


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